2013. 7. 10. 15:39Health/protein production







오버트레이닝을 할 경우 운동전 노샷건 운동후 신디사이즈를 먹어주면 아침에 정말 개운하다 어제 운동을 했나 라는 생각이 들정도로 너무좋아서 휴지기때 무지 생각이 난다... 이번 여름에만 먹어야지 ㅠㅠ


If you're searching for skin-tearing pumps and mind blowing workouts, it's time to step your game up with the NO Shotgun/ NO Synthesize stack.

To further capitalize on the incredible muscle pumping, anabolic environment created by NO-Shotgun V3; VPX has formulated NO-Synthesize to enhance post workout recovery and muscle building, thereby fully taking advantage of the hyper-critical post-workout anabolic window.

Synthesize was formulated as the "post-workout" synergist to NO-Shotgun V3. The most notable difference between (pre-workout) Shotgun V3 and Synthesize is, Synthesize does not contain "REDLINE Energy Technology." Because Synthesize contains zero energetic compounds (ie, REDLINE Technology) it can be taken any time of day, even before bed. However, to obtain the greatest possible anabolic gains, VPX highly recommends stacking pre-workout Shotgun V3 with post-workout Synthesize.

This stack contains super potent ingredients that other companies couldn't use because of their lack of scientific sophistication. NO Shotgun and NO Synthesize are the absolute best pre-and-post workout supplements to ever be invented in VPX's state of the art laboratories. Here are just a few revolutionary anabolic-boosting and cell-swelling ingredients that you'll find in the next evolution of pre-and-post workout products - NO Shotgun and NO Synthesize:
•COP™ - Creatinol-O-Phosphate
•Di Sodium Creatine PhosphateTetrahydrate
•BPOV - Bis Picolinato Oxo Vanadium
•Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester HCI
•PeptoPro™ - Casein Protein Hydrolysates
•GBB - Gamma-Butyrobetaine

While these ingredients are only a fraction of the best vascular-inducing, muscle-building ingredients found in NO Shotgun and NO Synthesize, once you experience the insane episodes of physical intensity, sets that seem like they can go on forever, and muscular pumps that are so powerful you'll think your skin was ready to peel away, you're going to wonder how you ever trained without this stack before.

1스쿱의 N.O. SyntheSize를 250~300ml의 물 또는 선호하는 음료에 타서 드시면 됩니다.

N.O. SyntheSize는 단독으로 사용하셔도 되며 운동전 보조제인 N.O. Shotgun V.3® 과 스택 가능하십니다.

N.O. SyntheSize를 운동중, 운동후에 섭취하시면 됩니다.

N.O. Synthesize/N.O. Shotgun V.3를 같이 스택하실 경우 운동 30분전 공복에 N.O. Shotgun V.3를 섭취하시고 운동중 그리고 운동후에 N.O. SyntheSize를 섭취하시면 됩니다.



출처: http://www.monsterzym.us/?act=shop.goods_view&GS=271&GC=GE04

